Policies & Services

Show Policies

As a participant of DEMA Show, all attendees, exhibitors, and media agree to abide by the DEMA Show Policies.

Show Services

We encourage all attending DEMA Show to review and familiarize yourself with the following services available to you.

Media Policies

Any person registering for media badges must adhere to the DEMA Show media policies.

DEMA Show Policies

Event Access & Participation

Age Policy (16+)

No person under the age of 16, including infants, is permitted onto the Show Floor or into seminars.

Trade-Only Event

DEMA Show is restricted to qualified Dive Industry Professionals. Consumers are not permitted entry.

Credentials Required

ALL DEMA Show Registrants must present valid credentials. DEMA reserves the right to reject any registration without proper credentials.

DEMA Show Policies

Conduct, Health & Safety

Conflict Avoidance Policy

Per DEMA’s Conflict Avoidance Policy, the servicing of legal documents is restricted. Attendees and Exhibitors who initiate legal proceedings at DEMA Show will be responsible for all legal fees incurred by DEMA in response to such proceedings.

Health & Safety

ALL DEMA Show registrants must electronically sign the DEMA Show Health Liability Waiver and Release of Claims onsite and agree to DEMA Show's Health and Safety Policy, which may include wearing a mask, maintaining appropriate physical ("social") distancing, submitting to daily temperature checks, and self-reporting any infectious disease symptoms as required by state and local infectious disease guidelines. Guidelines and requirements are subject to change based on CDC, state, and local guidelines.

Review of the Health and Safety Policy and execution of the Health and Safety Liability and Release of Claims is mandatory for all registrants.

No Outboarding Policy

"Outboarding" is defined by the International Association of Exhibitions and Events™ (IAEE) as the creation of a concurrent event that is related to an existing exhibition or event but that is not sanctioned by the organizer, and which seeks to benefit from the audience the organizer attracts. IAEE considers “Outboarding” to be unethical business conduct and should not be condoned nor tolerated. As a member of IAEE, DEMA is highly concerned with this practice as it negatively impacts DEMA Show.

Exhibition and event sponsors such as DEMA invest significant financial and other precious resources in the planning and execution of these events. Those financial resources are at risk as are the business reputation and good will that are vital elements of a sponsor’s business success.

To ensure compliance, review and familiarize yourself with DEMA Show’s No Outboarding Policy.

No Suitcasing Policy

"Suitcasing" is the act of soliciting business in the aisles during an exhibition or in other public places, including another company’s booth or a hotel lobby by a non-exhibiting company representative. Show Management has mandated increased measures to protect exhibitors from suitcasing at the Show.

While all meeting attendees are invited to the Show Floor, any attendee from a non-exhibiting or non-sponsoring company who is observed to be soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces, in another company’s booth, or in violation of any portion of the Exhibition Policy, will be asked to leave immediately. Additional penalties may be applied. Please report any violations you may observe to Show Management.

To ensure full compliance, review and familiarize yourself with DEMA Show’s No Suitcasing Policy.

DEMA Show Policies

Registration & Fees

No Refunds

No refunds will be given for cancellations.

Badge Reprint Fee

A badge reprint fee of $30 will be strictly enforced.

DEMA Show Policies

Privacy & Media

Data Collection

By registering for DEMA Show, you consent to DEMA's collection, use, and storage of the data in the United States.

Photo Release

By registering for DEMA Show you grant permission to DEMA, DEMA Show registrants, and DEMA Show contractors and their employees to use your image appearing in any photographs, video, broadcast or live-stream, or any other media taken by said party during and in relation to DEMA Show for any of said party’s advertising or promotional purposes whatsoever, in perpetuity throughout the world.

Permission to Capture

Audio/video recording, photography, broadcasting, and/or live-streaming at DEMA Show is only allowed once expressed permission from the subject(s) of such has been obtained.

DEMA Show Policies

Exhibitor Policies

Booth Space Selection & Seniority Policies

Exhibit space assignment for DEMA Show is determined during the exhibit space selection proceedings held each year. Exhibitors are drawn in groups based on the higher-to-lower number-order of seniority points they have earned. Those with the most points are drawn in the first group followed by those with the next highest points and so on. Seniority points are valuable in selecting future show exhibit space locations. DEMA has adopted certain seniority policies to best serve the interests of all.

Exhibitors: review and familiarize yourself with the Exhibit Space Selection and Seniority Policies.

DEMA Show Services

Services Provided

Convention Center Internet Access

Smart City Networks offers on-site wireless services for both attendees and exhibitors in the convention center, and is available in all public spaces and meeting rooms. Complimentary Wi-Fi should not be used for mission critical tasks.

Show Floor Internet Access

Complimentary internet access is offered to attendees in the iCafe, sponsored by United Airlines, at DEMA Central.

Gold and Platinum DEMA members can also gain access in the VIP DEMA Member Lounge.

DEMA Member Lounges

DEMA Member lounges are located on the DEMA Show Floor and offer a private environment where members can network, conduct business, or simply take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Two (2) member lounges will be available on the Show Floor: DEMA Member Lounge (for all DEMA members; VIP DEMA Member Lounge (for Gold and Platinum Members).

First Aid Station

A first aid station will be available. Specific location information will be provided shortly.

Show Management Office

A Show Management office will be located on-site. Specific location information will be provided shortly.

Childcare NOT Provided

Childcare is NOT available at DEMA Show. To arrange for services, please inquire with your hotel for information.

Mobility / Accessibility Services

DEMA Show provides mobility scooters, wheelchairs, and oxygen equipment rental services through Scootaround

Your mobility device can be reserved in advance and will be waiting for you during DEMA Show in the convention center at an on-site Business Center or can be delivered to your hotel.

Shuttle Service

Complimentary shuttle service will be provided for those who book through the DEMA Show 2025 room block. 

Specific information will be provided shortly.

Convention Center Amenities

The Orange County Convention Center provides several amenities for our attendees. including Wi-Fi, FedEx, accessibility, dining options, ATMs, wellness rooms, and more.


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