Marketing Toolkit

Promote Your Presence at DEMA Show!

Whether you’re a DEMA Show attendee, exhibitor, media representative, speaker, or sponsor, we encourage you to use the marketing assets below to help you promote your presence at DEMA Show 2025.

NOTE: Non-participating entities or individuals are prohibited from using DEMA Show assets.

By using these tools, you agree to adhere to DEMA Show Usage & Guidelines.

DEMA Show Marketing Assets

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

DEMA Show Logos and Banner Ads

Coming soon

DEMA Show Usage & Guidelines

The following guidelines are provided to ensure the proper and consistent use of the DEMA Show logos. Use of any resources on this page confirms your agreement to the following.

Organizations agree to comply with the following guidelines before using any DEMA Show logos.

  • DEMA will be recognized as the source of all logos, web page content and other data from DEMA websites.
  • Users of these logos must identify listed logos as coming from DEMA as follows: "Source: Diving Equipment and Marketing Association" and identify the DEMA Show logo as a registered trademark of The Diving Equipment and Marketing Association.
  • The logos may not be altered or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance.
  • The logos will be used as stand-alone graphical elements and will not be part of or be combined with any other design element or logo. No text or graphical design element may be placed within or directly adjacent to the logo.
  • Lines or rules may not intersect the logo so as to appear to be part of the logo itself.
  • Logos may be modified in size if the X and Y-axis proportions of the logos are unaltered to prevent identity distortion. The logo may be resized, but the proportions must be maintained.
  • For legibility purposes, the logo will not be reproduced smaller than one inch wide or one inch in height (whichever is longer) on printed pieces.
  • A minimum amount of clear space will surround the logos, separating it from other elements such as text, to ensure that the other elements do not appear to be part of the logo. The clear space should be one-quarter inch on the bottom as well as both sides. The top clear space should be one-eigth inch. To measure the bottom clear space, start at the baseline of the logo and allow one-quarter inch of clear space before adding any other design elements.
  • If the logo is placed on a similarly colored background, it is acceptable to use an outline around the logo for contrast.
  • Watermarks of the logos are allowed, provided the usage complies with this Logo License Agreement.
  • The word "DEMA Show" may also be used as a watermark.
  • Neither the logos nor the respective names may be used in any manner that would imply the DEMA endorsement of a company or an organization, its products or its services.
  • When using any of the DEMA logos to illustrate a relationship with DEMA, the organization will clearly indicate that the representation of the relationship is solely the responsibility of the organization, not DEMA. The organization will also clearly state the type of relationship it has with DEMA.
  • The use of DEMA in a product name is strictly prohibited.
  • DEMA-affiliated organizations are responsible for their own use of the DEMA Show logos as well as use by representatives from advertising agencies and implementation contractors that support the affiliated organization.
  • All uses of the logos are subject to existing copyright, trademark, service mark and other applicable laws.
  • Any action not in accordance with this Logo License Agreement is expressly prohibited.

  • All occurrences of the DEMA Show logos on a website must link to
  • When linking to the DEMA Show website using a hyperlink, the link must contain the words DEMA Show or
  • When linking to the DEMA Show website a new browser session must be initiated.
  • No method will be used to prevent users from freely using the functionality of the DEMA Show website nor will any attempt be made to prevent users from bookmarking the site.
  • The originating website will not use frames, redirections or other Web applications that intentionally or unintentionally cause users to misinterpret content as being created and/or published by anyone other than DEMA.
  • All products available for download from DEMA sites are provided "as is," without a warranty of any kind.
  • The webpage containing the Logo must always include an active link to
  • The Logo may be displayed only on Web pages that make accurate references to DEMA, or its products, or services, and must be displayed adjacent to the reference or at the bottom of the same page.
  • You may not display the Logo in any manner that implies sponsorship, endorsement, or license by DEMA.
  • You may not display the Logo on any site that disparages DEMA or its products or services, infringes any DEMA intellectual property or other rights, or violates any state, federal, or international law.
  • The Logo may not appear larger or more prominent than your own company name, service name, product name, or trademark on any materials.

The following organizations may use the DEMA Show logos:

  • Organizations that are members of DEMA.
  • Organizations affiliated with DEMA that wish to promote DEMA Show.
  • Organizations seeking to promote the benefits of participating in DEMA Show, such as product and service providers, academic institutions, government and non-governmental organizations, and trade associations.

Logos may be used on promotional materials that feature the DEMA Show logo, for example, displays, sales materials, T-shirts, and hats. The mark should not be used to denote or imply a DEMA partnership or endorsement of an organization and its products or services.

This Logo Licensing Agreement in no way limits other agreements between users and DEMA. In the case of conflict between sections of this Agreement and sections of other agreements, discretion is to be used to determine which sections of an agreement supersede the other. All express or implied conditions, representations and warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are hereby excluded.

DEMA is not liable for any damages suffered by other parties as a result of using, modifying or distributing DEMA-developed content or its derivatives. In no event will DEMA be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability, arising out of the use of or inability to use DEMA-developed content, even if DEMA has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

This agreement is subject to change by DEMA without notification. Only the most recent Logos & Images Usage Agreement is valid. It is the user's responsibility to remain aware of any changes to this Agreement.


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