Silent Auction Sign-Up

Support DEMA Members

Support DEMA's Member Assistance Programs by contributing to the Silent Auction at DEMA Show 2025!

Items will be showcased and open for bidding throughout the first three (3) days of DEMA Show, offering attendees the opportunity to acquire unique treasures while supporting a worthy cause.

Silent Action Items May Include:

  • Industry collectibles
  • Diving equipment
  • Artwork
  • Travel packages
  • Apparel bundles
  • Other items that resonate with the industry

Suggested minimum value per package/item: $100


We would love to give attendees a sneak peek at the auction before arriving onsite—and give you extra recognition for supporting the industry! To help in these efforts, sign up early at the link below.


After signing up, ship your item along with a copy of your completed entry form to the advanced warehouse. Shipments must arrive between October 13 and October 30, 2025.

DEMA Show Silent Auction

If your item cannot be sent by the deadline above, contact us at or +1 858-616-6408.

If donating an electronic/digital gift certificate, please submit it through the upload field of the entry form.

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