Media Partners

Media Coverage

Complimentary media registration is available to publishers, editors, writers, and reporters at the discretion of DEMA. One (1) complimentary badge is allotted per approved media registration and includes access to all DEMA-sponsored education sessions. Some exhibitor-sponsored sessions may have restrictions or require additional fees.

Review the policies below for specific requirements for obtaining media credentials and media policies to ensure compliance.

Who Qualifies as Media?

Media is defined as a business periodical with a frequency of four diving-related publications per year; or book publishers with at least one diving-related title currently in print; or video, film, or media with at least one diving-related title in print or syndication; or a consumer or trade show that produces one major dive-related show per year; or a company whose primary activity, membership or income is derived from consulting in the dive industry.

Primary Mediums Include blogs, magazines, newspapers, online/social media, radio, television, et al.

Relevant Positions Include editors, freelancers, photographers, producers, reporters, videographers, writers, et al.

Note: Advertising representatives must register as attendees (not media).


Onsite Information

Registration & Badge Pickup

Pre-registered and approved Media may pick up badges at onsite express registration or in the media office. A valid photo ID is required.

Requests to register as media must be submitted by October 13, 2025. You will be notified within five (5) business days regarding the status of your application.

Note: Onsite media registration will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. It is strongly encouraged to register in advance (by the deadline above) to avoid delays or denial of entry onsite. Anyone who wishes to register onsite must do so by visiting the Media Office. 

For questions or to check your registration, please email

Media Office

The location of the media office will be provided to all Media/Press in advance of DEMA Show. Hours below are subject to change.

Media Office Hours

Day Hours
Monday, November 10 8:30 AM – 3 PM
Tuesday, November 11 7 AM – 6 PM
Wednesday, November 12 8 AM – 6 PM
Thursday, November 13 8 AM – 6 PM
Friday, November 14 9 AM – 4 PM

Media Policies at DEMA Show

All Media Must Adhere to the Following:

  • Must provide valid credentials for admittance into DEMA Show.
    • Only qualified media receive a complimentary badge.
    • A media badge grants access to the show floor, DEMA-Sponsored and Exhibitor-Sponsored Education (unless attendance is restricted by the exhibitor) and the onsite media office.
    • Media badges do not include admission to Special Events.
  • Must submit proof of assignment (either through the registration process or emailed to
    • Accepted credentials include: editor letter of assignment, proof of past DEMA Show coverage from 2023–2024 or by-lined publications and/or credited work published or broadcasted within the last 24 months.
  • Approved Media must provide proof of coverage of DEMA Show 2025 within three (3) months of the close of the Show.
  • DEMA Show Management reserves the right to deny media credentials to individuals who abuse the privilege or obtain credentials under false pretenses.
    • If an individual is granted credentials and fails to report on DEMA Show, that person may be denied a media badge at future DEMA Shows.
  • A valid photo ID is required to collect badges.

DEMA Show Policies

In addition to the policies listed above, all media are expected to adhere to the DEMA Show Policies.

Key Contacts

Registration Questions

CompuSystems Customer Service
1-855-326-4470 or 1-224-563-3113

General Questions

DEMA Show Customer Service
1-703-706-8248 or 1-800-687-7469 ext. 248

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