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Compete to Win!

We are excited to re-introduce the Treasure Hunt to your DEMA Show 2024 experience! This epic quest has been reimagined—and fittingly renamed the Undersea Grand Prix!

Open to all attendees who visit the exhibit hall, those who successfully complete the course will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win some incredible prizes!

DEMA Show 2024 Treasure Hunt

How it Works

  • All DEMA Show attendees are invited to participate
  • Printed maps with marked locations will be available at check-in
  • To qualify for the prize drawing, attendees must visit each marked exhibitor booth on the map and receive verification (verification method will be announced prior to DEMA Show)
  • Additional bonus stops may be available
  • Upon completing the course, attendees will submit their entry to DEMA Central (more information will be provided)
  • Only one entry per attendee will be accepted into the drawing

Prize Drawing

Attendees who complete the course will be entered for a chance to win incredible prizes, including:

  • DEMA Show 2025 Grand Prize Giveaway
  • Visa Gift Cards
  • Uber Gift Cards
  • DEMA + Las Vegas Swag Bag

Additional information will be provided soon.

Don't miss out on this and so much more—Register to attend DEMA Show 2024!

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